Monday, April 30, 2012


In the introduction to the course I attended some years back on the book of Revelation, I noticed this tongue-in-cheek definition by my lecturer Dr Paul Hawk: “REVELATION, n. A famous book in which St. John the Divine concealed all he knew. The revelation is done by commentators, who know nothing.” 

The experience of reading and understanding the book of Revelation recorded by John is indeed a challenging one. The book of Revelation begins with an introduction where John described his writing as a “revelation” (Rev 1:1) of God’s plan for the end time. 

(Rev 1:1)   “The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show his servants what must soon take place. He made it know by sending his angel to his servant John.”

The other important fact to note is that it is a record of “everything he saw” (Rev 1:2). In Rev 1:11 and again in Rev 1:19, our Lord Jesus’ instruction to John was to “Write down on a scroll what you see”.

However, since the book of Revelation is a book on the predictions of the future, it might seem presumptuous to offer any kind of definitive outline. But as Ramsey Michaels pointed out, “Once we recognize that we are dealing simply with what John saw and not with the literal course of future events, we are more free to let the visions speak for themselves.”  The book is not written to be understood only by some biblical scholars, but also by everyone with the supernatural help of the Holy Spirit. In understanding what the book of Revelation is about, we could start by attempting to place ourselves in John’s place and trying to see the visions as he saw them. 

The book of Revelation is a book of visions; it is a book of “revelation” of God’s plan for the end time. Since it is a record of what John saw, we could attempt to place ourselves in John’s place and try to see the visions as he saw them.  Putting ourselves again in John’s position; the witness of the events that would happen to the Church and the things that would happen during the Tribulation must have filled him with holy fear and reverence. But after witnessing the glory of the new heaven and new earth, it must have filled him with joy that rendered him to conclude with the prayer, “Amen. Come Lord Jesus.” (Rev 22:20)

Reading through the Revelation again recently has filled me with excitement and awe. It is a book that laid out God’s strategic ‘battle plan’ for the last days, and a ‘prayer manual’ to guide the saints how to pray in the end times. When Jesus comes again, when the New Jerusalem descends to the earth with Him, the two realms – the natural realm and the supernatural realm become one. It is the ultimate consummation of God’s redemption plan and what those who love Jesus can look forward to at the time of His coming.

Uncle Henry
Monday, 30 Apr 12


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